'Implicate Explicate The Aga Khan Award for Architecture' (Lars Müller Publishers, 2011).'Louis Vuitton Architecture and Interiors' (Rizzoli International, 2011).'Ecological Urbanism' (Lars Müller Publishers 2010).Structure as Space: Engineering and Architecture in the Works of Jürg Conzett and his Partners' (editor and contributor) (AA Publications, 2006).'Mathematical Form: John Pickering and the Architecture of the Inversion Principle'(editor and contributor), (Architectural Association, 2006).'Architecture is Not Made with the Brain: The Labour of Alison & Peter Smithson' (editor and contributor), (AA Publications, London, 2005).

'Surface Architecture' with David Leatherbarrow (MIT Press, 2005).

Some of his publications include: On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time (with David Leatherbarrow, MIT, 1993) recipient of the American Institute of Architects prize for writing on architectural theory Approximations (AA/MIT, 2002) Surface Architecture (MIT, 2002) recipient of the CICA Bruno Zevi Book Award Logique Visuelle (Idea Books, 2003), Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape (AA Publications, 2004), Structure as Space (AA Publications, 2006), Ecological Urbanism (Lars Müller Publishers 2010), and Nicholas Hawksmoor: London Churches (Lars Müller Publishers 2013). His research and design projects have been published in many journals, including The Architectural Review, AAFiles, Arquitectura, Bauwelt, Casabella, Centre, and Daidalos.